Bioflux - Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation

Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation

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Volume 17(1)/2024

First pages, 2024 AACL Bioflux 17(1):i-viii.

Kautsari N., Suleman, Djonu A., Valen F. S., 2024 DNA barcoding and phylogenetic of lollyfish, Holothuria atra (Jaeger, 1833) (Actinopoda: Holothuriidae), from Tablolong Beach, Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. AACL Bioflux 17(1):1-12.

Effendi I., Rifai M., Syawal H., Yoswaty D., Riza S., Siregar M., 2024 Xylocarpus granatum leaf extract inhibits Aeromonas hydrophilla, Staphylococcus aureus, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. AACL Bioflux 17(1):13-22.

Elecho F. E. E., Orbita M. L. S., Lacuna M. L. D. G., Guihawan J. Q., Orbita R. R., 2024 Generating site-specific allometric equations for aboveground and belowground biomass of mangroves in Siargao Island, Surigao del Norte, Mindanao, Philippines. AACL Bioflux 17(1):23-29.

Balindo D. S. A., Otadoy J. B., 2024 Evaluation of the local ecological knowledge and conservation attitudes of fishermen toward blue swimming crab fisheries management. AACL Bioflux 17(1):30-40.

Jayadi, Hasrun, Nursyahran, Karyanti, 2024 Condition factors and food habits of Tominanga sanguicauda at Lake Towuti, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. AACL Bioflux 17(1):41-49.

Harahap S. A., Prihadi D. J., Faizal I., Pasaribu B., Gusandi A., Pei-Luen J., 2024 Day-night comparison of the number of Drupella sp. seen in the Semak Daun Island coral reef, Seribu Islands, Indonesia. AACL Bioflux 17(1):50-60.

Herawati V. E., Windarto S., Anggraeni N., Arfan M., 2024 Optimal dietary maggot oil for juvenile white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei): Growth performance, feed utilization, and nutritional quality. AACL Bioflux 17(1):61-71.

Tresnati J., Syafiuddin S., Tuwo A., Lestari S. A., Yanti A., Rahmani P. Y., 2024 Urgent call for sustainable management of Indian halibut, Psettodes erumei, resource in the Spermonde Islands. AACL Bioflux 17(1):72-79.

Zainuddin M., Pringgenies D., Brotosudarmo T. H. P., 2024 Bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacteria in shrimp intestine as a potential probiotic consortium. AACL Bioflux 17(1):80-90.

Muslim M., Karolina A., Irawan R., Putra M. R. A., 2024 Length-weight relationship and condition factor of Trichopodus trichopterus from Ogan Ilir peat swamp, South Sumatra, Indonesia. AACL Bioflux 17(1):91-97.

Taofiqurohman A., Ismail M. R., Zallesa S., 2024 Integrated analysis of human activities and environmental pressures along the coast of Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu UNESCO Global Geoparks, Indonesia: An ODEMM linkage framework and TOPSIS approach. AACL Bioflux 17(1):98-115.

Hendrik, Zulkarnaini, Sofyani T., Yolandika C., 2024 The impact of the increase in fuel price on the economy of small-scale fisheries in Riau Province, Indonesia. AACL Bioflux 17(1):116-123.

Serihollo L. G. G., Hariyadi D. R., Pattipeilohy C. E., Betty E., 2024 Effect of different container colors on the growth and survival rate of guppies (Poecilia reticulata) in the juvenile phase. AACL Bioflux 17(1):124-132.

Abubakar S., Kepel R. C., Djamaluddin R., Wahidin N., Harahap Z. A., 2024 Mangrove land cover classification using unmanned aerial vehicles in Jailolo Bay, West Halmahera, Indonesia. AACL Bioflux 17(1):133-141.

Purba I. R., Harahap A., Mahadewi E. P., Ilham C. I., Nasution A. P., Masrizal, Banurea O. K., 2024 Plankton diversity and dominance in Bilah River, Labuhanbatu Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia. AACL Bioflux 17(1):142-147.

Kotovska G., Kononenko R., Rudyk-Leuska N., Leuskyi M., Khrystenko D., 2024 Biological features and long-term impact of invasive Perccottus glenii on native fish in a small water body. AACL Bioflux 17(1):148-155.

Siregar Z. A., Irianto H. E., Anggoro S., Purnaweni H., 2024 Monitoring of water quality with the plankton indicator and the saprobic index in a minapadi area. AACL Bioflux 17(1):156-165.

Mulyadi, Pamukas N. A., Claudya I. D., 2024 Impact of varied grotop booster doses in feed on the growth and survival of Osteochilus hasselti in a recirculation system. AACL Bioflux 17(1):166-172.

Wafi A., Ariadi H., 2024 The dynamic model analysis of production feasibility and market valuation of intensive shrimp culture business. AACL Bioflux 17(1):173-179.

Mudzakir A. K., Boesono H., Suherman A., 2024 Strategies and stakeholders of the artisanal fisheries management in Tegal City, Indonesia. AACl Bioflux 17(1):180-194.

Yusuf N., Rumengan I. F. M., Montolalu R. I., Wullur S., Naiu A. S., 2024 Utilization of tuna bone waste as raw material for gelatin. AACL Bioflux 17(1):195-206.

Alimin, Rozirwan, Wildayana E., Riswani, 2024 Mangrove wetland ecotourism development potential in the Sungsang-Sembilang Region, South Sumatra. AACL Bioflux 17(1):207-218.

Salim G., Indarjo A., Sugianti Y., Anggoro S., Ransangan J., Nawir D., Meiryani, Hartinah S., Nurjanah, San Jose A. E., Dewi R., Arief M. C. W., Rusman, Mujiyanto M., 2024 Model of growth and mortality of otek fish (Netuma thalassina (Ruppell, 1837)) in Tarakan waters, North Kalimantan. AACL Bioflux 17(1):219-234.

Violando W. A., Safitri N. M., Mauludiyah, Abadi S. W., Muttaqin A. D., Mustofa A., Wahyudi D., Khasanah R. I., 2024 Microplastic accumulation in aquatic biomonitoring agents from Mud Lusi Island. AACL Bioflux 17(1):235-243.

Bathara L., Darwis, Kornita S. E., Nasution T. A., 2024 The impact of blood cockle (Tegillarca granosa) pond development on fishermen income in the Sinaboi District, Rokan Hilir Regency, Riau Province, Indonesia. AACL Bioflux 17(1):244-250.

Nurani T. W., Wisudo S. H., Astarini J. E., Sondita M. F. A., Purwangka F., Wahyuningrum P. I., Hakim A. R. L., Widiastuti B. A., Widianti E. A., Khoerunnisa N., Wahju R. I., 2024 Resilience of Kebumen Regency fishers in facing the uncertainty of the fishing season. AACL Bioflux 17(1):251-263.

Sangadji I. M., Wisudo S. H., Wijono E. S., Iskandar B. H., Taurusman A. A., 2024 Improving the sustainability status of small-scale tuna fisheries in Central Halmahera Regency, North Maluku Province, Indonesia. AACL Bioflux 17(1):264-271.

Yusuf M., Samsir A., Tiro S., Ilyas M., Riana A. D., Saru A., Ahmad M., Pratama D. C., 2024 Blue economy policy model for encouraging regional growth in South Sulawesi. AACL Bioflux 17(1):272-283.

Herawati E. Y., Arsad S., Khasanah R. I., Aisyah A. D., Mauludiyah, Violando W. A., 2024 Tridacnidae‘s habitat preferences in Bama waters, Baluran National Park, Situbondo Regency, East Java, Indonesia. AACL Bioflux 17(1):284-294.

Loukili H., Akodad M., Baghour M., Moumen A., Taybi A. F., Rahhou A., Chamrar A., El Alami M., Petrova P., Kolar M., Imerl J., Skalli A., 2024 Contribution to the Selouane Wadi's water quality study (Rif-Est, Morocco): physicochemical and biological evaluation and heavy metal contamination. AACL Bioflux 17(1):295-314.

Mardhotillah A. F., Hartoko A., Fitri A. D. P., 2024 Management and protection of the Rhinidae family in the Java Sea, Indonesia. AACL Bioflux 17(1):315-330.

Melmambessy E. H. P., Saputra S. W., Hartoko A., Mudzakir A. K., 2024 Biological aspects of shrimp Penaeus merguiensis De Man (1888) in the Arafura Sea, Merauke, South Papua Province, Indonesia. AACL Bioflux 17(1):331-344.

Kadarusman I., Dewi E. N., Wijayanto D., 2024 Strategy for improving the quality of landed mackerel fish at the Tawang Coastal Fishing Port of Kendal Regency, Indonesia. AACL Bioflux 17(1):345-351.

Gagelonia J. D., Marfil M. L. M., Velasco R. R., Suyom J. C. P., 2024 Feed maximization of combined culture of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus and African catfish Clarias gariepinus. AACL Bioflux 17(1):352-359.

Fatkhurahman F., Effendi I., Effendi I., Hadiyati H., Akbar M. R., Dawami D., Jamaan A., 2024 Prospects and analysis of coastal ecotourism in Malay community. AACL Bioflux 17(1):360-373.

Soumantri R. F., Arief M. C. W., Suryana A. A. H., Zahidah, 2024 Diversity of macroalgae near sea turtle nesting in Pangandaran District, Indonesia. AACL Bioflux 17(1):374-381.

Hartoko A., Pringgenies D., Helmi M., Aisyah S., Ariyanto D., Atmaja E. J. J., 2024 Oceanographic variables and stomach content of stranded whale shark (Rhincodon typus) on the South Java Coast. AACL Bioflux 17(1):382-393.

Sahami F. M., Hamzah S. N., Habibie S. A., Tome A. H., Puluhulawa M. R. U., 2024 Amphidromous Nike fish sustainability efforts: the local knowledge and scientific perspective approach. AACL Bioflux 17(1):394-406.

Balingit R. F. P., Tampus A. D., Pedrosa-Gerasmio I., Maceren-Pates M., Bersaldo M. J. I.,2024 Bioaccumulation of heavy metals and health risk assessment of the mangrove clam, Pegophysema philippiana (Reeve, 1850), in Davao region, Philippines. AACL Bioflux 17(1):407-420.

Khairul K., Dimenta R. H., Machrizal R., 2024 Morphological characteristics and length-weight relationship of endemic wild betta in Sumatra Island. AACL Bioflux 17(1):421-430.

Hasan U., Mardiana S., Hasibuan S., 2024 Ecological review of mangroves in coastal ecotourism areas: A case study of mangroves in Lubuk Kertang, Langkat Regency, Indonesia. AACL Bioflux 17(1):431-439.

Tamrin T., Schaduw J. N. W., Sambali H., Wantasen A. S., Mantini D. M. H., Kepel R. C., Mingkid W. M., Kalesaran O. J., 2024 Land suitability analysis for brackishwater aquaculture development in the coastal area of District West Halmahera, Indonesia. AACL Bioflux 17(1):440-448.

Aisah S., Nahrowi R., Setiawan W. A., Setiawan F., Mulyono M., Juliasih N. L. G. R., Hendri J., Yuwono S. D., Setiawan A., 2024 Antibacterial activity of nano chitosan derived from mangrove fungus endophyte, Fusarium sp. 20CB07. AACL Bioflux 17(1):449-463.

Abdullah A., Jacoeb A. M., Abdillah F., Haya F., Likandi A. D., Akhbar R. T., 2024 Assessment of heavy metal contaminants and consumption patterns of smoked sharks and rays in three regions of Java north coast. AACL Bioflux 17(1):464-478.

Mendoza D. M., Reyes A. T., 2024 Antibiotic resistance of esculin-hydrolyzing bacteria isolated from tilapia farms with different water sources in Pampanga, Philippines. AACL Bioflux 17(1):479-491.

Lalogau M. Y., Jayadi, Rauf A., Ihsan, 2024 Physical oceanographic analysis on blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) habitat in coastal waters of Pangkep Regency. AACL Bioflux 17(1):492-498.

Laput J. R. L., Adamat L. A., Tumang V. M. C., Moneva C. S. O., 2024 Bioaccumulation of microplastics in Echinolittorina sp. along intertidal areas of Barangay Buru-un, Iligan City, Philippines. AACL Bioflux 17(1):499-507.

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